Is Supplementation Necessary?

And why the the journey is more important than the destination.

“Three-Bullet Thursday” ~ by Sam Johnston

• One Thing I Found Cool

James Smith on creatine.

I’ve been following James Smith on Instagram for a long time now, and love his no-BS, easy-to-digest style of teaching his followers about health and fitness.

This Youtube video on creatine is a great example of that exact style.

Creatine is often thought of as a supplement for bodybuilders, or people that are trying to gain a ton of weight.

But this isn’t true.

Yeah, you might see a slight increase in the number on the scale after you start using it, but it’s just because your muscles are holding more water, not because it’s making you fat.

But even if you’re cutting or trying to lose a few pounds, taking creatine during a cut can help you retain muscle mass as you drop fat.

Some other benefits include:

  • Faster recovery after training

  • Enhanced cognitive functioning

  • Improved performance in the gym

  • Increased muscle strength and size

  • Potential protector against neurological disease

It’s also one of the cheapest supplements you can find related to health and fitness.

I highly recommend taking a look at that video, and adding creatine into your daily supplement stack.

And that leads us perfectly to our next topic…

• One Fitness Tip


Is it really worth it?

It seems there are millions of supplements out there people are preaching as the key to weight loss, muscle gain, and overall better health.

But which ones should you take?

Before we get into that, let me make something clear:

No amount of supplementation will make up for a poor diet, poor sleep, and lack of physical activity.

Focus on nailing the basics:

  • Sleeping 8 hours a night

  • Training hard 3-5x a week

  • Walking ~ 10,000 steps a day

  • Avoiding alcohol and processed foods

  • Eating 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight

This will get you 95% of the way to solid health and fitness

Supplementation will give you the little 5% push to go from well above average to god-like levels of fitness.

If you’re someone who wants that little extra push, supplements will definitely help you out.

Here are some of the key ones I take and why I take them:

  • Fish Oil - cognitive functioning

  • Creatine - recovery, cognition, performance

  • Tongkat Ali - testosterone/ libido enhancer

  • Multivitamin - to hit all the necessary vitamins/ minerals

  • Ashwagandha - stress regulation

  • Greens Powder - necessary vitamins from vegetables

  • Whey Protein Powder - to make sure I hit 200g of protein

• One Quote

"The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination. When you fall in love with the journey, everything else takes care of itself.”

  • The person who loves eating healthy will lose more weight than the person who just wants to see a lower number on the scale.

  • The person who loves lifting weights will get stronger and have a better physique than someone who only cares about the physique.

  • The person who loves yoga and stretching will be more flexible than the person who just wants to increase their flexibility.

No matter what your fitness and health goals, you have to fall in love with the process of whatever it is you’re doing.

If you dread eating healthy or going to the gym, your willpower will eventually fade and you’ll give up.

But if you experiment, iterate, and find a workout plan and diet that works for you, getting in shape becomes fun rather than a burden.

Fall in love with action of going to the gym.

The action of eating healthy.

The lifestyle of being active.

You’ll go much further than only worrying about the result.

Falling in love with the process is how my client Josh:

  • Lost 15 pounds of fat

  • Added tons of lean muscle

  • Did it working out 4 hours a week

If you’re ready to get in the best shape of your life for summer, I think I can help you out.

If you’re interested in:

  • 1:1 calls

  • Personalized training plans

  • 24/7 text support

  • 24/7 access to private community

  • Roadmap to your dream body

All you have to do is fill out this link:

As always, thanks for reading.

If you’re looking for daily fitness insights and tips, give me a follow and say hi on Twitter and Instagram.

Have a great weekend 💪
